WashoeZZ Facebook Page


If you like Facebook, the Washoe Zephyr Zymurgists have a page (thanks to Karen).

For all the reasons people like Facebook (e.g., easier to upload photos, more informal, more tuned to phones, tablets, etc), it’s there ready and waiting for your input.

The link is at the top, and also imbedded in this word.  So, put it in your bookmarks/favorites, and give it a go.  It might really fill a communication void, especially the informal variety.

Club Meeting

Short Notice!

Saturday, March 21st, 6:00 PM

At the Reno Homebrewer  (map below)

Tasting session begins at 6:30 PM

Potluck Dinner (translation, bring something good).  A barbecue will be aflame, for anyone’s use.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Reno Homebrewer

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The Reno Homebrewer 39.521626, -119.839918