Jeff Current Wins Best of Show at NSHC

Way to brew, Jeff!  Jeff won Best of Show (Flanders Red) plus 5 medals (4 firsts, and 1 third).

Congratulations also to other entering WZZ’rs:  Jason Hobbs (2 firsts and a third), Jeff Klino (1 first and 1 second), Nicole Date (1 second), Kirk Howell (1 second).

Also congrats to other Northern Nevada brewers winning medals:  Tyler Brower, Lance Newlin, and Richard McCracken.

For the amount of entries (and entrants) we had from the North, we did quite well.  We’ve got the stuff it takes.

Click on this link to download the complete results.


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NSHC Entries Delivered

Hey, we actually had a packing party, thanks to our hosts’ (Rob and Karen) support and patience (and incentives).

At first, Jason Hobbs’ and mine  were the only entries present (or expected), and at 6:04 PM were packed and ready to go.  Then at 6:05 PM, Mark Enders walks in with his one entry.  Easy enough, room to spare for two measly extra bottles.  Then, glancing backwards,  Jason Hobbs is standing at the counter putting labels on more entries (this time for Nicole).  We started a third box.  Then, about 6:25, Jeff Current comes in with his 14 entries.  Awesome, now we have a party!  Now we have a contest!

Southern Wine and Spirits shipped all the entries for free (about 60 bottles, packed in 5 various sized boxes).  Many thanks to Southern and Adam Cooper, their sales representative, for putting that together for us.  By now, the entries should be in the hands of the contest organizers.

Bill Moreland said they have about 200 entries or more, and only about 10 judges so far, and that they may not get finished by Saturday night, the 18th.  That sounds likely.  Certainly, there is room for more judges if anyone wants to know.



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Free Contest Shipping

Bring your Nevada State Homebrew Championship (NSHC) entries to the Reno Homebrewer on Tuesday, October 7th, at 6:00 PM, for a packing party and free shipment to Vegas for the contest.  Be early if you can, maybe you can help (hey it’s a party) but just don’t be late.  We have to get them to UPS the next day to ensure on-time delivery.

Remember, register online, pay online, print your bottle labels and have them attached with rubber bands for shipment.

And thank Rob for staying late and providing all the assistance.



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Nevada State Homebrew Championship

Summer changes things, right?  Yesterday, I brewed for the first time since March 1st, almost 5 months.

But hey, seasons change, and we have a contest on the horizon, the Nevada State Homebrewing Championship (NSHC).  Our Las Vegas homebrewing buds, SNAFU, are hosting and the judging dates are October 17th and 18th.

The competition website is here, where everyone entering has to register.  Registration opens September 1st.  You can add entries anytime up until the deadline, but all entries must be received in Vegas by October 11th.

We hope to have Southern Wine and Spirits ship all of our entries for free, meaning we will have to have a big packing party to get them all in cases.  When?, not sure yet, but probably around the 1st of October.  More on that later.

All the other details are on the comp website.  The most important thing to do now is get brewing.

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