Next Club Meeting January 10th

Oh by gosh, by golly, the next club meeting is coming up fast.  Saturday, January 10th, arrive at 6:00 PM, and the tasting session starts at 6:30 PM.  Note:  This is a little earlier start time, moved up 30 minutes from last month.

Andy TenBrink is graciously hosting (thank you Andy), and the address is 1865 Ellendale Rd. , Reno,  89503 (map below).

In case you’re not familiar with  the tasting sessions, they are our way of working together to improve our beer evaluation skills (judging), as well as our brewing skills.  We discuss the beers one at a time but as a group (all together) , blind (not knowing who the brewer is), and except for the scorekeeper nothing is written down.  It’s very encouraging for all, so we hope you can make it.

The menu is standard pot luck.  No theme food-wise, so bring whatever you want.  As for the tasting session, as long as it’s homebrew the style doesn’t matter.  We will try to sequence the order from lighter to stronger.

1865 Ellendale Rd.

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1865 Ellendale Rd. 39.543568, -119.836750

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