Score Sheets at Reno Homebrewer

Now awaiting your pick-up, perusal, and discussion at the Reno Homebrewer, are the score sheets for local brewers.  Feel free to open them up there, as Rob is a nationally ranked judge, Jon is a certified judge, and many customers have a great deal of experience with contests and score sheets.  If your fairly new to the game of beer judging, someone there can help your understanding of the comments written.  You can also contact me about anything contest related.

Medals, for those who were not at the Awards Ceremony, are included in the envelopes.

Out-of-towners (which includes Susanville, Fallon, and Dayton) are getting their scoresheets and medals mailed.


Cheers, it was a great contest, and looking forward to next year.

Keep in mind the Nevada State Homebrew Championship, in Las Vegas this year,  The date is mid-October , so they will probably open up for entries around late August or early September.

About Us

Who We Are

Washoe Zephyr Zymurgists (WZZ – pronounced whiz) is the homebrew club of the Greater Reno/Sparks-Northern Nevada-Eastern Sierra of California area.  Anyone who enjoys homebrewing is encouraged to join us in discussing beer at our monthly meetings and club events.

In addition, informal meetings and discussions can always be had at our unofficial club headquarters,  The Reno Homebrewer, 2335 Dickerson Rd, Reno, NV 89509.  775-329-ALES (2537).


The best way to join is visit with us at any meeting, see if the club is a good fit, and sign up when you’re ready.  Sign ups are accomplished at The Reno Homebrewer.  The dues are $25/calendar year.

Club History

The Washoe Zephyr Zymurgists’ homebrew club was founded in June of 1985 by charter members Rich Golden (first president), Eric McClary, Ron Badley, Penny & Ken Wyatt, Becky & Steve Bamberger, and Jim & Donna Roderick. Penny [Wyatt] McClary and Ron Badley continue on as WZZ’rs to this day. Rob Bates and Tom Young were early members that are also currently active. The original club name was Sierra Unorganized Draft Suckers (SUDS), but the name was switched to our current moniker, presumably after the group became organized.

The genesis for a homebrew club blossomed from casual homebrew tastings at Eric McClary’s Washoe Wine & Cheese shop. Eric was selling the first available homebrew equipment in Reno prior to closing the doors on the establishment and spurred gatherings by homebrewers to discuss their creations. After the store closed, the folks who had enjoyed tastings at the shop decided to form the homebrew club.

The WZZ club has prospered ever since!   The club has encouraged BJCP certification of many of its members, including two Master judges four National judges.


Sadly, one of our most loved and outstanding members, Eric McClary disappeared July 2nd 2002 in Michigan while on a camping trip with his wife Penny, another founding WZZ member. He was 49 years old and suffered from Parkinson’s at the time. He served as president of the club for many years, co-founded the first brewpub in the Reno area, Great Basin Brewing Company, where he served as brewmaster until his illness became too advanced, attained Master certification in the BJCP (the first to reach that level in Nevada!), and was an excellent winemaker to boot. He will always be remembered as a kind and generous member of our community.

With almost 30 years as a homebrew club, some of the original BJCP members, and leaders in the BJCP organization, WZZ is active and strong in the broader homebrew community. Our members continue to strive to excel in their brewing and judging skills and are always interested to mentor new people that share in the desire to enhance their brewing and beer evaluation skills.

Hey, Let’s Meet at Jason’s!

Whiz meeting for May!

Where:  Jason Hobbs’ home

Address: 3124 Clan Alpine Dr., Sparks, 89434 (map below)

When:  Saturday, May 17th, 6 PM

What to bring:  Food to share mainly, and hmm..let’s see..maybe some homebrew?

Also, lot’s of leftover contest entries will be brought for sharing and taking home,

3124 Clan Alpine Dr

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3124 Clan Alpine Dr 39.559920, -119.713938