Comments Reactivated

The option to add a thought or expression (comment) has been reactivated on all new posts.

All you have to do is log-in.  Comments are then posted immediately (no moderator approval).

This gives you the option of commenting here on the club website or on the WZZ Forum, wherever you prefer.

Tasting Scores

At the December meeting an informal evaluation of beers was conducted.  In the old days this was a regular part of the club meetings.  It is being reinstated and will start about half an hour after gathering time.  We were pretty much on time and WZZers submitted 12 brews for the evaluation.  The highest score was a tie between new member Andy Blanchard (Stone Ruination Clone) and Andy Tenbrink’s IPA, at 44 1/2.  .
Badley/McNeil – Helles Bock (35 1/4)
Andy Blanchard – Stone Ruinition Clone (44 1/2)
Kirk Howell – Vienna Lager (36)
Jason Hobbs – Belgian Tripel (32)
Jason Hobbs – Robust Porter (40) – This was a 3-year old brew!
John Norman – Imperial Stout (38 1/2)
John Norman – Belgian Double (25) – Bottom of the keg – very yeasty!
Brian Logan – “Belgian Speciality” (no score) – Brian fessed that it was fermented cherries!
Mark Smith – German Pilsner (38 1/2)
Mark Smith – Black Cherry Ale (43)
Andy Tenbrink – IPA (44 1/2)
Andy Tenbrink – Coffee Stout (42)
Some brews with low carbonation were attributed to the LONG (its only 7 miles) drive to Mogul!
Everyone seemed to enjoy the discussion during the evaluation.  Hope you’ll bring your latest (or oldest) brew to the next meeting.

What a Great Meeting We Had!

Thanks to everyone that came out to last night’s club meeting.  We know this season is a commitment-full, busy time of year, and many had to be somewhere else, but we had a good turn out and a tasting-session that sure exceeded my expectations.  Wonderful is not an exaggeration in attempting to describe it!  Thanks to Rob and Elaine and Karen and all who organized this great time of fellowship and experience.

Thanks again to Karen and Sarah for their gracious hospitality.  Your home is beautiful, and we were all warm and comfy and had such a good time!

If you would like to add a thought, a thanks, a comment, or volunteer to host a meeting, go to the forum, register and post a reply.  This article is posted there as a new topic under “WZZ Announcements and Forum Rules”.

Homebrewing Class

Rob and Karen are hosting a class on Monday, Jan. 12th, 6-9 PM, at the Reno Homebrewer shop.  Learn the fundamentals of extract brewing through an evening of home brewing and beer tasting.  Also a great refresher for those who want to get back into brewing.  Food and beer will be provided.  Cost is $25/person or $40/couple.  Reservation and $10 deposit required.  Call 329-2537 for more details.