What a Great Meeting We Had!
Thanks to everyone that came out to last night’s club meeting. We know this season is a commitment-full, busy time of year, and many had to be somewhere else, but we had a good turn out and a tasting-session that sure exceeded my expectations. Wonderful is not an exaggeration in attempting to describe it! Thanks to Rob and Elaine and Karen and all who organized this great time of fellowship and experience.
Thanks again to Karen and Sarah for their gracious hospitality. Your home is beautiful, and we were all warm and comfy and had such a good time!
If you would like to add a thought, a thanks, a comment, or volunteer to host a meeting, go to the forum, register and post a reply. This article is posted there as a new topic under “WZZ Announcements and Forum Rules”.
Regarding the Recent Meetings Proposal
After getting more feedback, I’m backing away from the concept of regularly scheduled monthly meetings (i.e., at the Great Basin conference room). Instead, we’re going to make a sincere effort to integrate organized tastings into every club meeting we have.
See the post “DECEMBER CLUB MEETING” for more info on the plan.